Looking for a Marshall Islands travel guide? If you still don’t know What is needed to travel to Marshall Islands, we are going to explain everything you have to prepare for entering the Marshall Islands and leaving. general information and Requirements to travel to Marshall Islands with its customs, laws and limitations in the customs of the Marshall Islands. You have available this travel guide with the emergency telephone numbers, the best time to travel to marshall islands and everything you need to know to travel safely.


Capital Majuro (See map.)
Languages English and Marshallese
Currency American dollar
Voltage 120 volts

General information of Marshall Islands

With the current situation you may have to fill out some kind of form to travel to Marshall Islands or covid Marshall Islands requirements, so we recommend you check what is needed to travel to Majuro or any destination in the country in this travel guide.

Guide to travel to Marshall Islands entry requirements

These are the Marshall Islands entry requirements:

  • Passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry and until the date the trip ends.
  • Have a return air ticket or any ticket in your name, with a destination outside the Marshall Islands, with a departure date within 30 days of entering the country.
  • Have family, work or financial ties in the place of origin that allow immigration personnel to be convinced that you will return to your country of origin.
  • Have enough money to finance your stay in the Marshall Islands, which depends on the activities to be carried out and the place where you will stay – hotel or house of friends or relatives.

Guide to travel to Marshall Islands requirements to leave

Once your stay is over, these are the Marshall Islands exit requirements:

There are no special requirements to leave the Marshall Islands.

3d country map

Marshall Islands customs information

The entry of firearms, tear gas and pepper spray is prohibited.

Marshall Islands local currency

The legal tender in the Marshall Islands is the American dollar (“$”, USD), since the economy is dollarized.

For more information regarding the local currency or payment methods of the country, consult the section recommendations in money to travel abroad..

Marshall Islands Customs

Make sure you know the customs of the country so you can know what the best time to visit marshall islands. Here are the most common.

There is nothing special to take into account.

Laws of the Marshall Islands

  • It is recommended that you always carry a copy of your passport with a visa on hand during your stay in the Marshall Islands, as well as obtain a copy of them and keep it in a safe place.
  • Illicitly transporting psychotropic substances is typified as a serious crime.

Other recommendations in guide to travel to Marshall Islands

  • Do not forget to notify your bank that you will travel to the Marshall Islands, so that they can inform you how to act in case of theft or loss of your credit cards in the Marshall Islands, or problems that you could have when withdrawing money with your cards abroad.
  • Recommendations and more advice by topic or type of traveler, visit the section of recommendations for your trip abroad of this guide to travel to the Marshall Islands.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the emergency telephone numbers in the Marshall Islands?

Medical emergencies: 112
Police: 117
Firefighters: 757

Are tourists entitled to free medical care in the Marshall Islands?

Tourists are not entitled to free medical care in the Marshall Islands.

What are the mandatory vaccinations in the Marshall Islands?

No particular vaccination is required to travel to the Marshall Islands. However, it is prudent to check the official page to obtain updated information from the authorities of that country.