Looking for a Libya travel guide? If you still don’t know What do you need to travel to Libya?, we are going to explain everything you have to prepare for the entrance to Libya and exit. general information and Requirements to travel to Libya with its customs, laws and limitations in the customs of Libya. You have available this travel guide with the emergency telephone numbers, the best time to travel to libya and everything you need to know to travel safely.

Guide to travel to Libya


Capital Libya (See map)
Languages Arab
English and Italian (commonly used languages)
Currency libyan dinar
Visa? Yes
Voltage 127 volts

Libya Overview

With the current situation you may have to fill out some kind of form to travel to Libya or Libyan covid requirements, so we recommend you check What do you need to travel to Libya? or any destination in the country in this travel guide.

Guide to travel to Libya entry requirements

These are the Libya entry requirements:

  • Passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry and until the date your trip ends.
  • Foreigners holding a passport with an Israel visa or entry/exit stamps from that country, they will not be allowed to enter.
  • Have family, work or financial ties in the place of origin that allow immigration personnel to be convinced that you will return to your country of origin.
  • Have enough money to finance your stay in Libya.

For more information, contact the Embassy of Libya in the United States.

***Remember: It is the exclusive power of the Libyan authorities to grant or deny entry to a foreign person to their territory, even if they have a visa.***

Guide to travel to Libya requirements to leave

Once your stay is over, these are the Libya exit requirements:

There are no special requirements to leave Libya.

3d country map

Libyan customs information

  • To import or export merchandise, you must present a detailed written and signed declaration at the customs office.
  • The samples can be exported without control but are subject to a customs declaration if they are sent from abroad to Libya.

Libyan local currency

The legal tender in Libya is the libyan dinar («ل.د» or «LD», LYD).

For more information regarding the local currency or payment methods of the country, consult the section recommendations in money to travel abroad..

Libyan customs

Make sure you know the customs of the country so you can know what the best time to visit Libya. Here are the most common.

  • In Libya, the consumption of pork and its derivatives is prohibited, as is the consumption and sale of alcoholic products (with the exception of the bars in the main hotels that receive international tourism).
  • Because it is a country based on Islamic principles, it is recommended, especially in the case of women, to avoid short pants and skirts, plunging necklines or any type of clothing that contravenes modesty to Muslim norms.
  • During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from very early until dark; out of respect for their customs, visitors must refrain from eating, drinking or smoking in public places as it may be considered an offense or a lack of courtesy; during this period, very few restaurants remain open during the day.

Is it safe to travel to Libya?

  • It is recommended that tourists do not visit unfrequented places, especially at night, nor places far from large cities or on their outskirts.
  • Security in Libya, including the capital Tripoli and its surroundings, has been severely affected by violence and terrorism, so It is not recommended to make any trip to that country.
  • Since the 2011 revolution, the security situation in Libya has deteriorated and is currently very precarious, unstable and unpredictable. Clashes between armed militias are common in various parts of the country (especially in cities and border posts). Crime has also increased, with kidnappings and robberies of Libyan citizens and foreigners being frequent.
  • If you are in the country, it is advisable to exercise extreme caution and avoid demonstrations or crowds. Night commuting and undertaking road trips are discouraged.

Laws of Libya

  • Displays of affection are not allowed in Libyan society.
  • Same-sex relationships are not allowed and are punishable by fines and imprisonment.
  • Sexual relations outside of marriage are punishable by law, so concubinage is not allowed.
  • You are not allowed to photograph certain buildings, such as government or military installations.
  • Alcohol is not allowed to enter the country; Its consumption is prohibited and being caught drunk in public spaces can lead to arrest.

Other recommendations in guide to travel to Libya

  • Do not forget to notify your bank that you will travel to Libya, so that they can inform you how to act in case of theft or loss of your credit cards in Libya, or problems that you could have when withdrawing money with your cards abroad.
  • Recommendations and more advice by topic or type of traveler, visit the section of recommendations for your trip abroad of this guide to travel to Libya.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are tourists entitled to free medical care in Libya?

Tourists are not entitled to free medical care in Libya.

What are the compulsory vaccinations in Libya?

No type of vaccination is required to enter Libya; however, it is recommended to travel with the most frequently used medicines and consume bottled mineral water, a precaution that is essential in the interior of the country.